Early Childhood Education
The research is definitive: the years between birth and age 5 set the stage for a child’s ability to become a healthy, independent adult. Operating year-round from two site locations, the Early Childhood Education (ECE) program provides children experiencing homelessness with a rich learning environment that nurtures their physical, cognitive, language and social-emotional development. Through a dynamic curriculum and individualized lesson plans, Our House places special focus on building pre-literacy skills, confidence and resiliency. The daily practices and policies of Our House’s ECE program pave the way for children’s school readiness and future success.
Key Team Members
Angelique Harris
Director, Early Childhood Education
Lauren Catchings
Site Director, Atlanta
Tamara Olagbegi
Site Director, Decatur
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Infant Program | 6 weeks to 1 year
Our House’s infant program nurtures our youngest learners by developing motor and verbal skills in babies. Students will learn:
- Watching and listening to people in their surroundings
- Crawling and other motor skills development
- Babbling and using their voice to communicate
Toddler | 3 years to 4 years
Our House’s Toddler program builds on skills learned as a pre-toddler and helps children learn to develop:
- Math and language skills
- Cooperation techniques through sharing
- Creativity through the use of imagination
Pre-Toddler | 1 year to 2 years
As children move from the infant stage, Our House program progresses to help students enhance:
- Communication skills through vocabulary growth and conversation
- Independence through tasks completion and probelm solving
Pre-K |4 years to 5 years
In our Pre-K program, students build on language, literacy and math skills to prepare them for entry into school. Students learn:
- Classification of obejcts by color, shape and size
- Counting to 20 and reading simple words
- Building friendhsip sand developing social-emotional intelligence